What a day...
Today me and my mother went to the international show in Mechelen where Goldens were judged by mr Feyaerts:
Ch Dewmist Decorativo won the CAC/IB & Best Male
JunCh Glitters Vanessa Bell won intermediate. Thank you so much Stéphane for showing her in the line up and a million apologies in Bellis place for eating your finger instead of your chicken.... Ch Glitters 1 2 3 Tango won her 2nd veteran point Ch Glitters Second to None won the CAC/IB, Best Bitch & Best of Breed!!! In the finals she went BOG-2 under mrs Melchior!
Andys daughter won Best Junior owned and bred by Dirk & Martine Van Huele-Depuydt. And Rebels son won his 1st RCAC/IB owned by Stéphane. So proud on you all! And thank you Emilie Van Campenhout for your help with Ivo for BOB
While waiting for the finals we got super news from Cocos children. Her son Glitters Viva Underwater went 2nd best dog with his 1st full CAC in Sweden under judge Arne Foss, wow Simen & Inga!!!! And the sister Glitters Viva Forever took her last point to become Belgian Juniorchampion under Sue Towers (and Best Junior in show!), wow Katarina and Stefaan! Cocos sister Ch Glitters Second Thought won today her last CAC to become German Clubchampion under judge mrs Ting, wow Stéphanie!!! And to top it off Ivos kids owned and bred by Michelle won BOS & BOB at the international show in Ludwigshafen! On the same show an Ivo son Glitters Vanguard won the JCAC and an Andy daughter owned and bred by Gloria won the CAC in open class.
Now time for rest #optilife